£5.25 Million in Compensation for Brain Infection Boy Sent Home by A&E

Hospital accident and emergency (A&E) departments work under intense pressure but, if negligent mistakes are made, it is only right that compensation is paid. In a case on point, a boy who was sent home from a hospital despite suffering from a rare brain infection secured a seven-figure compensation payout from the NHS.

Clinical Negligence Lawyers Cut Through Difficulties to Change Lives

Some clinical negligence cases are trickier than others but, even where proof is hard to come by, specialist lawyers are more than capable of changing lives by negotiating valuable settlements. The point was made by one case in which a man who was left gravely disabled following spinal surgery won £1 million from the NHS.

Healys Medical Negligence Partner Jonathan Austen-Jones Acts For The Family Of Mrs Joan Blaber At Inquest

A hospital trust has been criticised for “serious failings” that led to the death of an elderly patient as a result of drinking cleaning fluid. An Inquest into her death, held between 10th and 18th September 2018, has resulted in the issue of a Regulation 28 Report (Prevention of Future Death report) by the Coroner.

Woman Wins Compensation Following Disastrous Gastric Bypass Surgery

Not every medical procedure goes according to plan and, when patients suffer due to clinical negligence, it is only right that they should be compensated. In a case on point, a woman who went into hospital for gastric bypass surgery, but emerged in a worse condition than before, was awarded six-figure damages.

Investigation into Baby’s Death Reveals Failings By Medical Staff

A woman has been left devastated after an investigation into her baby’s death found that hospital staff missed three separate chances to potentially save his life, reports the Daily Mail

Kayleigh Turton gave birth at King’s Mill Hospital in Sutton-in-Ashfield in June 2017. She had been scheduled to be induced on 10th June, but her waters broke that morning. She attended hospital, but was sent home again by midwives before being readmitted later on the same day as she was thought to have developed sepsis.

Monitoring by medical staff revealed that the baby’s heart rate appeared to be slowing down, but no action was taken for several hours. Ms Turton eventually had an emergency caesarean section, but tragically baby Freddie was found to have died.

An investigation by the hospital into the incident found evidence of a number of failings by medical staff, including not telling Ms Turton how ill she actually was and that her baby was at risk. It also found that there has been three separate points where medical staff should have contacted the on-call consultant to inform him or her about their concerns, but this wasn’t done.

Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has apologised to Ms Turton and her partner and said that changes had been made within the maternity department to help prevent a similar incident occurring again. It also said it would be assisting with legal proceedings being brought by Freddie’s parents.

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For expert legal advice on bringing a medical negligence claim then contact our specialist personal injury lawyers today.

Dentist Sued After Failing to Diagnose Cancer

Very few people enjoy going to the dentist, but despite their fears the majority will receive a professional and problem free service. However, there unfortunately are times when the standard of care people receive from their dentist is less satisfactory and patients can be left injured as a result of their dentist’s negligence

In a case recently reported in the Daily Mail, a 60-year-old man is claiming compensation after he was left with long-term injuries when his dentist failed to diagnose that he was suffering from cancer.

Victor Heath had visited his dentist after suffering pain and swelling in his left cheek but was told this was due to an infected wisdom tooth. He was prescribed antibiotics and referred to hospital to have the tooth removed.

When he attended the hospital, the consultant was concerned and arranged for an urgent biopsy of the swelling, which turned out to be a stage 4 cancerous tumour.

He was scheduled for surgery to have the tumour removed, but before this could take place the tumour grew rapidly and ‘erupted’ out of his cheek. After the tumour was removed he was left with a 6cm hole in his cheek and he needed part of his jaw replaced. He has been left with both physical and emotional scars from the whole experience.

After undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment Mr Heath is fortunately now cancer free, but is suing his dentist, alleging that his initial failure to diagnose the cancer led to delays in Mr Heath being referred to specialists and receiving the necessary treatment. He believes that if the aggressive tumour had been removed earlier he would not have sustained such disfiguring injuries.

Make a Claim Against a Dentist in Brighton and London

Please contact us today to see whether you have a valid and viable compensation claim. We will be able to give you free initial advice and guidance on your likelihood of success. Call us on 0800 280 0432 or you can fill out our online form here.

Compensation Awarded for Birth Injuries

The vast majority of patients under the care of the NHS are treated safely and effectively, however there are unfortunately occasions when the standard of care received falls below an acceptable level and can even result in patients suffering harm. 

In one recently reported case, a hospital trust in England has paid out several million pounds in compensation to a young girl who was left severely disabled as a result of medical failings at her birth.

She was born in Birmingham Women’s Hospital and is now ten-years-old, reports the BBC. During her birth she suffered distress, but medical staff didn’t act quickly enough in carrying out an emergency caesarean and as a result she was starved of oxygen while still in the womb. She sustained serious brain injuries and suffers from cerebral palsy, and will need care for the rest of her life.

Birmingham Women’s Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has apparently admitted liability for the harm she suffered and has apologised to the girl and her family.

She has been awarded a lump sum of £2,744,740 in compensation and will also receive further annual payments for the rest of her life to meet her ongoing care costs.

Birth injury claims can be highly complex and expert legal advice is essential, ideally from birth injury solicitors who have a proven track record in settling these matters.

Make A Birth Injury Claim, Brighton and London

Please contact us today to see whether you have a valid and viable birth injury compensation claim. We will be able to give you free initial advice and guidance on your likelihood of success.

Medical Failings Lead to Loss of Limbs

A young mother who had to endure multiple limb amputations as a result of inadequate care by her hospital has been awarded compensation, reports the Telegraph

Thirty-one-year-old Magdalena Malec had been pregnant with her third child when she experienced problems and was told she had suffered a miscarriage. She continued to suffer pain and heavy bleeding and was eventually told she had suffered an ectopic pregnancy and needed urgent corrective surgery.

While recovering from this surgery in Luton & Dunstable University Hospital, medical staff failed to detect that Magdalena was suffering from sepsis. If diagnosed promptly, sepsis is normally treatable with antibiotics, however failures by hospital staff meant that the sepsis remained untreated and restricted the blood supply to her limbs, which eventually turned gangrenous.

She ultimately had to have her legs, her right arm and fingers from her left hand amputated. She has been fitted with prostheses and has had to re-learn how to carry out basic everyday tasks. She still needs to attend hospital regularly and the stress of what she experienced also caused the breakdown of her relationship with her partner.

A spokesperson for the hospital trust has apologised to Magdalena for the failings in the care she received and said it has carried out an investigation into the incident to learn from what happened and help ensure it doesn’t happen again.

Contact Us

Contact us today for a free consultation on your medical/clinical negligence claims. Call our specialist Medical/Clinical Negligence Team based both in Brighton and London on 0800 280 0432.

Hospitals Failing to Address Serious Safety Risks, Warns NHS Director

NHS Medical Director, Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, told The Sunday Telegraph on 28 October 2017 that many hospitals are failing to deal with serious safety issues, which could lead to patient injuries and fatalities. This is the first time someone in Sir Bruce’s position has spoken publically on this matter.