Compensation Awarded for Birth Injuries

The vast majority of patients under the care of the NHS are treated safely and effectively, however there are unfortunately occasions when the standard of care received falls below an acceptable level and can even result in patients suffering harm. 

In one recently reported case, a hospital trust in England has paid out several million pounds in compensation to a young girl who was left severely disabled as a result of medical failings at her birth.

She was born in Birmingham Women’s Hospital and is now ten-years-old, reports the BBC. During her birth she suffered distress, but medical staff didn’t act quickly enough in carrying out an emergency caesarean and as a result she was starved of oxygen while still in the womb. She sustained serious brain injuries and suffers from cerebral palsy, and will need care for the rest of her life.

Birmingham Women’s Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has apparently admitted liability for the harm she suffered and has apologised to the girl and her family.

She has been awarded a lump sum of £2,744,740 in compensation and will also receive further annual payments for the rest of her life to meet her ongoing care costs.

Birth injury claims can be highly complex and expert legal advice is essential, ideally from birth injury solicitors who have a proven track record in settling these matters.

Make A Birth Injury Claim, Brighton and London

Please contact us today to see whether you have a valid and viable birth injury compensation claim. We will be able to give you free initial advice and guidance on your likelihood of success.

Author: Healys Recover

If your life has been changed as a result of medical negligence. With Healys you’ll be speaking to a solicitor who has over 20 years experience of fighting and winning for those affected by medical negligence.

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