Medical Failings Lead to Loss of Limbs

A young mother who had to endure multiple limb amputations as a result of inadequate care by her hospital has been awarded compensation, reports the Telegraph

Thirty-one-year-old Magdalena Malec had been pregnant with her third child when she experienced problems and was told she had suffered a miscarriage. She continued to suffer pain and heavy bleeding and was eventually told she had suffered an ectopic pregnancy and needed urgent corrective surgery.

While recovering from this surgery in Luton & Dunstable University Hospital, medical staff failed to detect that Magdalena was suffering from sepsis. If diagnosed promptly, sepsis is normally treatable with antibiotics, however failures by hospital staff meant that the sepsis remained untreated and restricted the blood supply to her limbs, which eventually turned gangrenous.

She ultimately had to have her legs, her right arm and fingers from her left hand amputated. She has been fitted with prostheses and has had to re-learn how to carry out basic everyday tasks. She still needs to attend hospital regularly and the stress of what she experienced also caused the breakdown of her relationship with her partner.

A spokesperson for the hospital trust has apologised to Magdalena for the failings in the care she received and said it has carried out an investigation into the incident to learn from what happened and help ensure it doesn’t happen again.

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Author: Healys Recover

If your life has been changed as a result of medical negligence. With Healys you’ll be speaking to a solicitor who has over 20 years experience of fighting and winning for those affected by medical negligence.

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